In the Spirit of Collegial Inquiry...

Which Tests Qualify at Percentile 99.5 ?

Supervised test scores:IQ rawscalednotes*
Wechsler/ WAIS139
CTMM141 *(3)
Cattell Verbal: form III-B160
Cattell Culture Fair: form 3A 37
Cattell Culture Fair: form 3B 39
Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices 33 *(2)
Miller Analogies Test Before 2005 (approx.)      
  Miller Analogies Test, form K 76
  Miller Analogies Test, form L 77
  Miller Analogies Test, form M 81
  Miller Analogies Test, form R 70
  Miller Analogies Test, form S 75
  Miller Analogies Test, form V 82
  Miller Analogies Test, form W 78
Miller Analogies Test, after 2005 (scaled score)   455*(6)
D48/ D70 Domino40
US Army AGCT/ GT147
ACT 32
Scholastic Aptitude Test, prior to 4/95 1360*(4)
SAT-I (recentered) 4/95 & later 1420*(4)
Nat'l Merit NMSQT 135 *(1)
PSAT/NMSQT sel. score 194 *(1a)
PSAT/NMSQT sel. index c.'95 - 210 *(1b)
Graduate Record Exam, Verbal 700
Graduate Record Exam, Quantitative 790
Graduate Record Exam, Analytical 770
Graduate Record Exam, Quant+Analyt 1470 *(5)


Any one of the tests listed may be used for admission to Colloquy. If you have reports on several, all the better! The intent is to recognize a wide range of differing mental abilities at this level without reliance upon testing methodologies which are not generally accepted by psychologists and educators. Other supervised tests may be added when norming information is available to us. It would naturally be desirable to have a wider array of tests available for potential members who do not speak English as their primary language.

The Miller Analogies, Graduate Record Exam, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices, and Cattell tests (verbal or culture fair) are the preferred instruments used in qualifying for membership in Colloquy. We ask that you send us the complete set of subtest scores (SAT, PSAT, or GRE) without crossing out, obscuring, or cutting away any data on the copy of your original score report.

*(1) These values are for the original National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test used in the '60s and early '70s. The NMSQT as a separate test was discontinued c.1973 in favor of a selection score *(1a) derived from a summation of PSAT scaled scores, the verbal score receiving double weighting. By 1995, a writing sample was incorporated with recentered norms, and the National Merit selection index *(1b) has thereafter been derived as the sum of writing sample, verbal, and math scaled scores.

*(2) Only the 40-minute timed version designated as Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices set II is acceptable for Colloquy. International Mensa's score reports generally do not list the raw score, but we can accept a minimum of IQ 160 on such a report. We have recently completed a lengthy review of Raven A.P.M. test data for a dozen university and professional populations (overall N= 4666; test mean= 22.73; test SD= 5.28.) Results from this review have permitted us to reduce our qualifying score from 35 to 33. This is confirmed by official norms for age 20, from which the table entries above are extrapolated. If you have taken the Raven at a more advanced age, let us know the particulars for raw scores above 30, as they may qualify. An important concern with the Raven test is evidence of significant decline in raw scores for ages above fifty. Another form of the Raven test is administered in a supervised "liberally timed" version, as the Standard Progressive Matrices. The 1993 Des Moines standardization indicates that the ceiling of this S.P.M. is probably not above the 99.5 percentile, with an overall raw score mean=19.64 and sd=7.52 applicable for ages 18 through 47.

*(3) California Test of Mental Maturity, to the best of our knowledge, is equivalent to the American Mensa Admission Test on the Mensa score reports of recent years.

*(4) composites of SAT verbal plus math section scaled scores

*(5) composites of GRE general test quantitative plus analytical section scaled scores ... these offer a fairer evaluation for non-native speakers of English and those whose strongest abilities may manifest in logic and mathematics. It wouldn't do to exclude a potential Feynman!

*(6) Note that in about 2005 the scoring for the MAT changed from two digits (the number correct out of 100) to a scaled score of three digits. If you have a three digit score, you need 455 or higher to qualify (unless, of course, you got all 100 of 100 correct on the pre-2005 tests. Then you'd also have a three digit score!)"

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Group statistics for Colloquy members

Table of tentative IQ conversions for qualifying scores (140 - 149)

Table of tentative IQ conversions for qualifying scores (150 - 159)

Table of estimated general population means and SDs for several tests