In the Spirit of Collegial Inquiry...

Estimated IQ equivalents for qualifying supervised test scores

I.Q.150151152153154 155156157158159
Gen'l Population percentiles:99.9499.9599.9699.9799.975 99.9899.98499.98899.99199.993
Colloquy percentiles: 8285889092 9395969899
Otis-Beta144145146147 148149150
Wechsler/ WAIS148149150151152153 154155156157
Otis-Gamma150151152153154 155156157158
Stanford-Binet151152153154 155156157158159160
CTMM152153154 155156157158 *(3)
Otis-Lennon152153154 155156157158159160
Cattell Verbal: form III-B175177178180181 183184186187*(5)
Cattell Culture Fair: form 3A4041 42
Cattell Culture Fair: form 3B4243 44
Raven Advanced Progr. Matrices 36
Miller Analogies Test, form K9091929495 969799100*(2)
Miller Analogies Test, form L9192949597 9899
Miller Analogies Test, form M95969899100
Miller Analogies Test, form R8283848586 8788899192
Miller Analogies Test, form S8890919293 95969798100
Miller Analogies Test, form V9798100
Miller Analogies Test, form W9192949596 9899100
US Army AGCT/ GT159161
Scholastic Aptitude Test (orig.) 14901510152015401550 156015801590*(4)
Nat'l Merit NMSQT 147148149 150151152153154155*(1)

Disclaimer: These tables summarize the present evaluations of scores for Colloquy, based upon the best data available to us as well as reasonable extrapolations from (a) authoritative tables of percentiles 50, 75, 90, 95; (b) widely accepted mean and sd values; (c) attempts to model normal population projections from undergraduate or graduate level test populations. In short, these values are estimates, subject to much debate and occasional revision. Our intent is simply to provide reasonable estimates as a basis of comparison, with full knowledge that while tests of mental ability are reaching for a common g-factor, they in fact present a spectrum of content and method of administration. Individuals are not without a certain range of fluctuation in performance too, so it's advisable to view test results and evaluation with a balanced perspective. Nothing here is intended to "step on the toes" of professionals in the field or psychometric officers of other societies.

*(1) These values are for the original National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test used in the '60s and early '70s. The NMSQT as a separate test was later discontinued in favor of a selection score derived from a summation of PSAT scaled scores, the verbal score receiving double weighting. By 1995, a writing sample was incorporated, and the National Merit selection index has thereafter been derived as the sum of writing sample, verbal, and math scaled scores.

*(2) The Miller Analogies Test is, by content, the ideal selection instrument for any group of the nature of Colloquy ... the high scorer is doubtless the possessor of a finely-cultivated knowledge base as well as formidable skills in logical thinking. Seven forms are administered and the tables have been updated accordingly to reflect the different values for each. The previous listing was appropriate for form V only. Composite data across all forms would be most similar to the values listed for form M.

*(3) California Test of Mental Maturity, to the best of our knowledge, is equivalent to the American Mensa Admission Test on the Mensa score reports of recent years. The test administration manual recommends that scores above 150 IQ simply be regarded as an indeterminate 150+.

*(4) composites of verbal plus math section scaled scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test prior to the recentering changes applied since April of 1995.

*(5) The test administrator's manual for the Cattell Verbal form III-B provided adult raw score conversions only up to 161 IQ on this scale. In more recent years, this has been extended as there was a wide range of raw scores above this level ... and the scale itself has been used internationally for reporting other test results.

Score equivalents for IQ 140 - 149

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